11 entries for brahma in PED:
Brahma & Brahmā [fr. bṛh, see brahant. Perhaps less with regard to the greatness of the divine principle than with ref. to the greatness or power of prayer or the ecstatic mind (i. e. holy enthusiasm). On etym. see Osthoff, "Bezzenberger's Beiträge" xxiv.142 sq. (=Mir bricht charm, spell: Oicel. bragr poetry)] -- I. Brahman (nt.) [cp. Vedic bráhman nt. prayer; nom. sg bráhma] 1. the supreme good; as a buddhistic term used in a sense different from the brahmanic (save in controversy with Brahmans); a state like that of Brahmā (or Brahman) A ii.184 (brahmappatta). In cpds. brahma˚. -- 2. Vedic text, mystic formula prayer DA i.244 (brahmaŋ aṇatī ti brāhmaṇo).
II. Brahmā [cp. Vedic brahmán, m., one who prays or chants hymns, nom. sg. Brahmā] 1. the god Brahmā chief of the gods, often represented as the creator of the Universe (vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā) D i.18 iii.30, also called Mahābrahmā (D i.235 sq., 244 sq. iii.30; It 15; Vism 578; DhA ii.60); and Sahampati (Vin i.5; D ii.157; S i.136 sq.; Vism 201; KhA 171 SnA 56) and Sanaŋkumāra (D ii.226; iii.97). The duration of his life is given as being 1 kalpa (see Kvu 207, 208). -- nom. Brahmā Vin i.5; D ii.46; J vi.486 Miln 224; Vism 2 (brahmānaŋ atibrahmā, Ep. of Buddha Bhagavā); SnA 229 (B. mahānubhāvo); gen abl. Brahmano D ii.209; Vism 205; SnA 177; instr Brahmanā D i.252; ii.239; Dh 105, 230; Vism 48, 405 DhA ii.60; acc. Brahmānaŋ D ii.37; voc. Brahme S i.138. -- 2. a brahma god, a happy & blameless celestial being, an inhabitant of the higher heavens (brahma -- loka; in which to be reborn is a reward of great merit); nom. sg. brahmā S i.142 (Baka br.) M i.327 (id.); A iv.83; PvA 138 (˚devatā for brahma˚?) gen. abl. brahmuno S i.142, 155; instr. brahmunā D iii.147, 150 & brahmanā PvA 98; voc. sg. brahme M i.328. pl. nom. brahmāno Miln 13, 18 (where J vi.486 has Mahā -- brahmā in id. p.); DhsA 195; gen brahmānaŋ Vism 2; Mhbv 151. -- paccekabrahmā a br. by himself S i.149 (of the name of Tudu; cp. paccekabuddha). -- sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma gods D i.62; A ii.70; Vin i.11; DA i.174.
III. brahma (adj. -- n.) [cp. brahmā II. 2; Vedic brahma˚ & Sk. brāhma] 1. holy, pious, brahmanic (m.) a holy person, a brahmin -- (adj.) J ii.14 (br vaṇṇa=seṭṭha vaṇṇa C.); KhA 151 (brahma -- cariyaŋ brahmaŋ cariyaŋ). -- (m.) acc. brahmaŋ Sn 285; voc brahme (frequent) Sn 1065 (=brahmā ti seṭṭhavacanaŋ SnA 592); J ii.346; iv.288; vi.524, 532 Pv i.129 (=brāhmaṇa PvA 66). -- 2. divine, as incorporating the highest & best qualities, sublime, ideal best, very great (see esp. in cpds.), A ;i.132 (brahmā ti mātāpitaro etc.), 182; iv.76. -- 3. holy, sacred, divinely inspired (of the rites, charms, hymns etc.) D i.96 (brahme mante adhiyitvā); Pv ii.613 (mantaŋ brahmacintitaŋ) =brāhmaṇānaŋ atthāya brahmaṇā cintitaŋ PvA 97, 98). -- Note. The compn form of all specified bases (I. II. III.) is brahma˚;, and with regard to meaning it is often not to be decided to which of the 3 categories the cpd. in question belongs.
-- attabhāva existence as a brahma god DhA iii.210 -- ujjugatta having the most divinely straight limbs (one of the 32 marks of a Great Man) D ii.18; iii.144, 155 -- uttama sublime DhsA 192. -- uppatti birth in the brahma heaven S i.143. -- ûposatha the highest religious observance with meditation on the Buddha practice of the uposatha abstinence A ;i.207. -- kappa like Brahmā Th 1, 909. -- kāya divine body D iii.84 J i.95. -- kāyika belonging to the company of Brahmā, N of a high order of Devas in the retinue of Br (cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie pp. 191, 193, 197) D i.220 ii.69; A iii.287, 314; iv.40, 76, 240, 401; Th 1, 1082 Vism 225, 559; KhA 86. -- kutta a work of Brahmā D iii.28, 30 (cp. similarly yaŋ mama, pitrā kṛtaŋ devakṛtaŋ na tu brahmakṛtaŋ tat Divy 22). See also under kutta. -- giriya (pl.) name of a certain class of beings possibly those seated on Brahmagiri (or is it a certain class of performers, actors or dancers?) Miln 191 -- ghaṭa (=ghaṭa2) company or assembly of Brahmans J vi.99. -- cakka the excellent wheel, i. e. the doctrine of the Buddha M i.69; A ii.9, 24; iii.417; v.33; It 123 Ps ii.174; VbhA 399 (in detail); -- cariya see separate article. -- cārin leading a holy or pure life, chaste, pious Vin ii.236; iii.44; S i.5, 60; ii.210; iii.13; iv.93, A ii.44; M iii.117; Sn 695, 973; J v.107, 382; Vv 3411 (acc. pl. brahmacāraye for ˚cārino); Dh 142; Miln 75 DA i.72 (brahmaŋ seṭṭhaŋ ācāraŋ caratī ti br. c.) DhA iii.83; a˚ S iv.181; Pug 27, 36. -- cintita divinely inspired Pvi i.613=Vv 6316 (of manta); expln at PvA 97 as given above III.3, differs from that at VvA 265 where it runs: brahmehi Aṭṭhak' ādīhi cintitaŋ paññācakkhunā diṭṭhaŋ, i. e. thought out by the divine (seer Aṭṭhaka and the others (viz. composers of the Vedic hymns: v. s. brāhmaṇa1, seen with insight). -- ja sprung from Brahmā (said of the Brāhmaṇas) D iii.81 83; M ii.148. Cp. dhammaja. -- jacca belonging to a brahman family Th 1, 689. -- jāla divine, excellent net N. of a Suttanta (D No. 1) Vism 30; VbhA 432, 516 KhA 12, 36, 97; SnA 362, 434. -- daṇḍa "the highest penalty," a kind of severe punishment (temporary deathsentence ) Vin ii.290; D ii.154; DhA ii.112; cp. Kern Manual p. 87. -- dāyāda kinsman or heir of Brahmā D iii.81, 83. -- deyya a most excellent gift, a royal gift, a gift given with full powers (said of land granted by the King) D i.87 (=seṭṭha -- deyyaŋ DA i.246; cp. Dial. i.108 note: the first part of the cpd. (brahma) has always been interpreted by Brahmans as referring to themselves But brahma as the first part of a cpd. never has that meaning in Pali; and the word in our passage means literally "a full gift." -- Cp. id. p. Divy 620 where it does not need to mean "gift to brahmans," as Index suggests); D i.114; J ii.166=DhA iii.125 (here a gift to a br., it is true, but not with that meaning) J vi.486 (sudinnaŋ+); Mhbv 123. We think that both Kern (who at Toev. s. v. unjustly remarks of Bdhgh's expln as "unjust") and Fick (who at "Sociale Gliederung" p. 126 trsls it as "gift to a Brahman") are wrong, at least their (and others') interpretation is doubtful. -- devatā a deity of the Brahmaloka PvA 138 (so read for brahmā˚). -- nimantanika "addressing an invitation to a brahma -- god," title of a Suttanta M i.326 sq., quoted at Vism 393. -- nimmita created by Brahmā D iii.81, 83. -- patta arrived at the highest state, above the devas, a state like the Br. gods M i.386 A ii.184. -- patti attainment of the highest good S i.169 181; iv.118. -- patha the way to the Br. world or the way to the highest good S i.141; A iii.346; Th 1, 689 Cp. Geiger, Dhamma 77. -- parāyana devoted to Brahmā Miln 234. -- parisā an assembly of the Brahma gods D iii.260; M i.330; S i.155; A iv.307. -- pārisajja belonging to the retinue of Br., N. of the gods of the lowest Rūpa -- brahmaloka S i.145, 155; M i.330; Kvu 207; cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 191, 194. -- purohita minister or priest to Mahābrahmā; ˚deva gods inhabiting the next heaven above the Br. -- pārisajjā devā (cp. Kirfel loc. cit.) Kvu 207 (read ˚purohita for ˚parohita!). -- pphoṭana [a -- pphoṭana; ā+ph.] a Brahmaapplause divine or greatest applause DhA iii.210 (cp Miln 13; J vi.486). -- bandhu "brahma -- kinsman," a brāhmaṇa in descent, or by name; but in reality an unworthy brahman, Th 2, 251; J vi.532; ThA 206 cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung p. 140. -- bhakkha ideal or divine food S i.141. -- bhatta a worshipper of Br J iv.377 sq. -- bhavana Br. -- world or abode of Br. Nd1 448. -- bhūta divine being, most excellent being, said of the Buddha D iii.84; M i.111; iii.195, 224; S iv.94 A v.226; It 57; said of Arahants A ii.206; S iii.83 -- yāna way of the highest good, path of goodness (cp brahma -- patha) S v.5; J vi.57 (C. ariyabhūmi: so read for arāya˚). -- yāniya leading to Brahmā D i.220 -- loka the Br. world, the highest world, the world of the Celestials (which is like all other creation subject to change & destruction: see e. g. Vism 415=KhA 121) the abode of the Br. devas; Heaven. -- It consists of 20 heavens, sixteen being worlds of form (rūpa -- brahmaloka) and four, inhabited by devas who are incorporeal (arūpa˚). The devas of the Br. l. are free from kāma or sensual desires. Rebirth in this heaven is the reward of great virtue accompanied with meditation (jhāna) A i.227 sq.; v.59 (as included in the sphere called sahassī cūḷanikā lokadhātu). -- The brahmās like other gods are not necessarily sotāpannā or on the way to full knowledge (sambodhi -- parāyaṇā); their attainments depend on the degree of their faith in the Buddha Dhamma, & Sangha, and their observance of the precepts. -- See e. g. D ;iii.112; S i.141, 155, 282; A iii.332; iv.75, 103; Sn 508, 1117; J ii.61; Ps i.84 Pv ii.1317; Dhs 1282; Vbh 421; Vism 199, 314, 367 372, 390, 401, 405, 408, 415 sq., 421, 557; Mhbv 54 83, 103 sq., 160; VbA 68; PvA 76; VbhA 167, 433 437, 510. See also Cpd. 57, 141 sq.; Kirfel, Kosmographie 26, 191, 197, 207, and cp. in BSk. literature Lal. Vist. 171. The Br. -- l. is said to be the one place where there are no women: DhA i.270. -- yāva Brahmalokā pi even unto Br.'s heaven, expression like "as far as the end of the world" M i.34; S v.265, 288 -- ˚ûpaga attaining to the highest heaven D ii.196 A v.342; Sn 139; J ii.61; Kvu 114. -- ˚ûpapatti rebirth in Heaven Sn 139. -- ˚parāyana the Br. -- loka as ultimate goal J ii.61; iii.396. -- ˚sahavyatā the company of the Br. gods A iv.135 sq. -- yāna the best vehicle S v.5 (+dhammayāna). -- vaccasin with a body like that of Mahābrahmā, combd with -- vaṇṇin of most excellent complexion, in ster. passage at D i.114, 115 M ii.167, cp. DA i.282: ˚vaccasī ti Mahābrahmuṇo sarīra -- sadisena sarīrena samannāgato; ˚vaṇṇī ti seṭṭhavaṇṇī -- vāda most excellent speech Vin i.3. -- vimāna a palace of Brahmā in the highest heaven D iii.28, 29 It 15; Vism 108. -- vihāra sublime or divine state of mind, blissful meditation (exercises on a, altruistic concepts; b, equanimity; see on these meditations Dial i.298). There are 4 such "divine states," viz. mettā karuṇā, muditā, upekkhā (see Vism 111; DhsA 192 and cp. Expositor 258; Dhs trsl. 65; BSk. same, e. g Divy 224); D ii.196; iii.220 (one of the 3 vihāra's dibba˚, brahma˚, ariya˚); Th 1, 649; J i.139 (˚vihāre bhāvetvā . . . brahmalok' ûpaga), ii.61; Dhs 262 Vism 295 sq. (˚niddesa), 319. -- veṭhana the head -- dress of a brahmin SnA 138 (one of the rare passages where brahma˚=brahma III. 1). -- sama like Brahmā Sn 508 SnA 318, 325; DhsA 195. -- ssara "heavenly sound, a divine voice, a beautiful and deep voice (with 8 fine qualities: see enumd under bindu) D ii.211=227 J i.96; v.336.
Brahmaka (adj.) only in cpd. sa˚; with Brahmā (or the Br. world). q. v.
Brahmacariya (nt.) [brahma+cariya] a term (not in the strictly Buddhist sense) for observance of vows of holiness, particularly of chastity: good & moral living (brahmaŋ cariyaŋ brahmāṇaŋ vā cariyaŋ=brahmacariyaŋ KhA 151); esp. in Buddh. sense the moral life, holy life, religious life, as way to end suffering Vin i.12, 19, renouncing the world, study of the Dhamma D i.84, 155; ii.106; iii.122 sq., 211; M i.77 147, 193, 205, 426, 463, 492, 514; ii.38; iii.36, 116 S i.38, 43, 87, 105, 154, 209; ii.24, 29, 120, 219, 278 284 (˚pariyosāna); iii.83, 189; iv.51, 104, 110, 126 136 sq., 163, 253, v.7 sq., 15 sq., 26 sq., 54 sq., 233 262, 272, 352; A i.50, 168, 225; ii.26, 44, 185; iii.250 346; iv.311; v.18, 71, 136; Sn 267, 274 (vas -- uttama) 566, 655, 1128; Th 1, 1027, 1079; It 28, 48, 78, 111 Dh 155, 156, 312; J iii.396; iv.52; Pv ii.913; DhA iv.42 (vasuttamaŋ); VbhA 504. -- brahmacariyaŋ vussati to live the religious life A i.115 (cp. ˚ŋ vusitaŋ in formula under Arahant II. A); ˚assa kevalin wholly given up to a good life A i.162; ˚ŋ santānetuŋ to continue the good life A iii.90; DhA i.119; komāra˚; the religious training of a well -- bred youth A iii.224; Sn 289. -- abrahmacariya unchastity, an immoral life sinful living M i.514; D i.4; Sn 396; KhA 26.
-- antarāya raping DhA ii.52. -- ânuggaha a help to purity A i.167; iv.167; Dhs 1348. -- ûpaddava a disaster to religious life, succumbing to worldly desires M iii.116. -- vāsa state of chastity, holy & pure life adj. living a pure life A i.253; J iii.393; Kvu 93 DhA i.225.
Brahmacariyaka (adj.) [fr. brahmacariya] only in phrase ādi˚ leading to the highest purity of life D i.189, 191 iii.284; A iv.166.
Brahmacariyavant (adj.) [fr. brahmacariya] leading the religious life, pure, chaste S i.182; Dh 267.
Brahmañña (adj.) [fr. brāhmaṇa] brahman, of the brahman rank; brahmanhood, of higher conduct, leading a pure life D i.115 (at which passage DA i.286 includes Sāriputta, Moggallāna & Mahākassapa in this rank) M ii.167; A i.143. -- abstr. der. brāhmaññā (nt.) higher or holy state, excellency of a virtuous life D i.166; Vin iii.44; J iv.362 (=brāhmaṇa dhamma C.); brahmañña (nt.) D ii.248; brahmaññā (f.) D iii.72, 74; A i.142; brahmaññattha (nt.) S ;iii.192; v.25 sq., 195; A i.260 (brāhmaññattha).
Brahmaññatā (& brāh˚) [fr. brahma or brāhmaṇa] state of a brahman D iii.145, 169; Dh 332, cp. DhA iv.33 -- Neg. a˚; D iii.70, 71.
Brahmaññattha see brahmañña.
Brahmatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. brahma] state of a Brahma god, existence in the Br. world Vbh 337; Vism 301 VbhA 437; DhA i.110. brahmattabhāva is to be read as brahm' attabhāva (see under brahma).
Brahmattara at J iii.207 (of a castle) is probably to be read brahmuttara "even higher than Brahmā," i. e unsurpassed, magnificent. C. explns by suvaṇṇa-pāsāda.
Brahmavant (adj.) [fr. brahma] "having Brahmā," possessed or full of Brahmā; f. brahmavatī Np. Vism 434.
18 entries for brahma in CPED:
brahma: the Brahma; the Creator. (m.)
brahmakāyika: belonging to the company of Brahmas. (adj.)
brahmaghosa: having a sound similar to that of Brahma. (adj.)
brahmacariyā: religious life; complete chastity. (f.)
brahmacārī: leading a chaste life. ()
brahmajacca: belonging to the brahman caste. (adj.)
brahmañña: brahmanhood; pure life. (nt.)
brahmaññatā: brahmanhood; pure life. (f.)
brahmaṇakaññā: Brahman maiden. (f.; adj.)
brahmadaṇḍa: a (kind of) punishment by stopping all conversation and communication with one. (m.)
brahmadeyya: a royal gift. (nt.)
brahmappatta: arrived at the highest state. (adj.)
brahmabandhu: a relative of the brahma, i.e. a brahman. (m.)
brahmabhūta: most excellent. (adj.)
brahmaloka: the brahma world. (m.)
brahmalokūpaga: taking birth in the Brahma-world. (adj.)
brahmavimāna: mansion of a brahma god. (nt.)
brahmavihāra: divine state of mind; a name collectively given to mettā, karuṇā, muditā, and upekkhā. (m.)
21 entries for brahma in DPPN:
brahmavaḍḍhana 1
brahmavaḍḍhana 2
brahma - See
brahmakāyikā devā - See Brahmaloka.
Brahmacariya Sutta
1. Brahmacariya Sutta. Brahmacariyā is practised for nought else but self restraint and cessation of Ill. A.ii.26.
2. Brahmacariya Sutta. The best practice is the Noble Eightfold Path. Its fruits are sotāpatti, etc. S.v.26.
3. Brahmacariya Sutta. The best practice is the Noble Eightfold Path. Its aim is the destruction of lust, hatred, and illusion. S.v.26f.
Brahmajāla Sutta
The first sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya. It was preached to the paribbājaka Suppiya and his disciple Brahmadatta. It first explains the sīlā, or moral precepts, in three successive sections cūla (concise), majjhima (medium), and mahā (elaborate) and then proceeds to set out in sixty two divisions various speculations and theories regarding the "soul" (D.i.46). Other names for it are Atthajāla, Dhammajāla, Ditthijāla, and Sangāmavijaya. At the end of the discourse the ten world systems trembled (D.i.46). It is said that once when Pinndapātiya Thera recited this sutta at the Kalyāniya vihāra, his mind concentrated on the Buddha, the earth trembled; the same phenomenon occurred when the Dīghabhānaka Theras recited it at the Ambahtthikā, to the east of the Lohapāsāda (DA.i.131).
The Brahmaj'āla was the first sutta preached in Suvannabhūmi, when Sona and Uttara visited it as missionaries (Mhv.xii.51).
The Sutta is often quoted, sometimes even in the Canon. E.g., S.iv. 286, 287.
Brahmañña Sutta
1. Brahmañña Sutta. The highest life is the Noble Eightfold Path, and the fruits thereof are sotāpatti, etc. S.v.26.
2. Brahmañña Sutta. The highest life is the Noble Eightfold Path, and its aim is the destruction of lust, hatred, and illusion. S.v.26; cf. Brahmacariya Sutta (3).
3. Brahmañña Sutta. Few are they who reverence brahmins, many they who do not. S.v.468.
1. Brahmadatta. King of Kāsi. He captured Kosala and murdered its king Dīghiti and Dīghiti's wife, but made peace later with Dīghiti's son, Dīghāvu, restored to him his father's kingdom, and gave him his own daughter in marriage. Vin.i.342ff.; DhA.i.56f.
2. Brahmadatta. King of the Assakas and friend of Renu. When Mahāgovinda divided Jambudīpa into seven equal portions for Renu and his six friends, Brahmadatta was given the kingdom, of the Assakas, with Potama as his capital. D.ii.235f.
3. Brahmadatta. In the Jātaka Commentary this is given as the name of numerous kings of Benares. In most cases we are told nothing further of them than that they reigned at Benares at the time of the incidents related in the story. Brahmadatta, was probably the dynastic name of the kings of Benares. Thus, for instance, in the Gangamāla Jātaka (J.iii.452) Udaya, king of Benares, is addressed as Brahmadatta.
In the Gandatindu Jātaka (J.v.102-106) however, Pañcāla, king of Uttarapañcāla, is also called Brahmadatta; in this case it was evidently his personal name. It was also the name of the husband of Pingiyāni (q.v.). He was a king, but we are not told of what country. He is identified (J.v.444) with Kunāla.
4. Brahmadatta Thera. He was the son of the king of Kosala, and, having witnessed the Buddha's majesty at the consecration of Jetavana, he entered the Order and in due course became an arahant. One day, while going for alms, he was abused by a brahmin, but kept silence. Again and again the brahmin abused him, and the people marvelled at the patience of Brahmadatta, who then preached to them on the wisdom of not returning abuse for abuse. The brahmin was much moved and entered the Order under Brahmadatta. Thag. vs. 441 6; ThagA.i.460ff.
5. Brahmadatta. Head of a dynasty of thirty six kings, all of whom ruled at Hatthipura. His ancestors ruled at Kapilanagara. MT. 127; Dpv.iii.18.
6. Brahmadatta. A Pacceka Buddha. In the time of Kassapa Buddha he had been a monk and had lived in the forest for twenty thousand years. He was then born as the son of the king of Benares. When his father died he became king, ruling over twenty thousand cities with Benares as the capital, but, wishing for quiet, he retired into solitude in the palace.
His wife tired of him and committed adultery with a minister who was banished on the discovery of his offence. He then took service under another king and persuaded him to attack Brahmadatta. Brahmadatta's minister, much against his will, and having promised not to take life, made a sudden attack on the enemy and drove them away. Brahmadatta, seated on the field of battle, developed thoughts of metā and became a Pacceka Buddha. SNA.i.58ff.
7. Brahmadatta. A brahmin, father of Kassapa Buddha. J.i.43; Bu.xxv.34.
8. Brahmadatta. Pupil of the Paribbājaka Suppiya. A conversation between these two led to the preaching of the Brahmajāla Sutta. D.i.1.
9. Brahmadatta. A monk, sometimes credited with having supplied the illustrations to the aphorisms in Kaccāyama's grammar. P.L.C. 180.
10. Brahmadatta. See also Ekaputtika-, Catumāsika-, Cūlani-, and Sāgara-; and below, s.v. Brahmadatta-kumāra.
1. Brahmadatta-kumāra. Son of Brahmadatta, king of Benares. He was the Bodhisatta. For his story see Dummedha Jātaka. J.i.259ff.
2. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See Rājovāda Jātaka. J.ii.2ff.
3. Brahmadatta-kumāra. Brother of Asadisa; see the Asadisa Jātaka. J.ii.87ff.
4. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Asitābhū Jātaka. J.ii.229ff.
5. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Tilamutthi Jātaka. J.ii.277ff.
6. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Dhonasākha Jātaka. J.iii.158ff.
7. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Susīma Jātaka. J.iii.391ff.
8. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Kummāsapinda Jātaka. J.iii.407ff.
9. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Atthāna Jātaka. J.iii.475ff.
10. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Lomasakassapa Jātaka. J.iii.514ff.
11. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Suruci Jātaka. J.iv.315ff.
12. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Sankicca Jātaka. J.v.263ff.
13. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Mahāsutasoma Jātaka. J.v.457ff.
14. Brahmadatta-kumāra. See the Bhūridatta Jātaka. J.vi.159ff.
Brahmadatta Jātaka (No.323)
Once, the Bodhisatta, after studying at Takkasilā, became an ascetic in the Himālaya, visited Uttarapañcāla, and resided in the garden of the Pañcāla king. The king saw him begging for alms, invited him into the palace and, having shown him great honour, asked him to stay in the park. When the time came for the Bodhisatta to return to the Himālaya, he wished for a pair of single soled shoes and a leaf parasol. But for twelve years he could not summon up enough courage to ask the king for these things! He could only get as far as telling the king he had a favour to ask, and then his heart failed him, for, he said to himself, it made a man weep to have to ask and it made a man weep to have to refuse. In the end the king noticed his discomfiture and offered him all his possessions; but the ascetic would take only the shoes and the parasol, and, with these, he left for the Himālaya.
The king is identified with Ananda. J.iii.78ff.
1. Brahmadeva. One of the two chief disciples of Revata Buddha. Bu.vi.21; J.i.35.
2. Brahmadeva. A khattiya of Hamsavatī to whom Tissa Buddha preached his first sermon (BuA.189). He later became the Buddha's chief disciple. Bu.xviii.21.
3. Brahmadeva Thera. The son of a brahmin woman. Having joined the Order, he dwelt in solitude and became an arahant. One day he went to Sāvatthi for alms, and, in due course, arrived at his mother's house. She was in the habit of making an oblation to Brahmā, but, on that day, Sahampatī appeared before her and told her to bestow her gifts on her son. S.i.140f.
4. Brahmadeva. Aggasāvaka of Metteyya Buddha. Anāgatavamsa, vs. 97.
brahmadeva-sutta - Records the story of Brahmadeva Thera (q.v. 3) and his mother. S.i.140ff.
Brahmanimantanika Sutta
Preached at Jetavana. The Buddha tells the monks of his visit to Baka Brahmā, who holds the view that this world is eternal. The Buddha tells Baka that his view is false, whereupon Māra, having taken possession of one of the Brahmās, protests and urges the Buddha not to be recalcitrant. Baka himself agrees with the Buddha, who tells him of planes of existence of which Baka knows nothing. Baka then says that he will vanish from the Buddha's presence, but finds himself unable to do so. The Buddha then vanishes and repeats a stanza for the Brahmās to hear. Baka admits defeat, but Māra again enters into a Brahmā and asks the Buddha not to communicate his doctrine to others. The Buddha refuses to agree to this.
The sutta is so called because it was preached on account of Baka Brahmā's challenge (M.i.326ff). Cp. Bakabrahma Sutta.
brahmapārisajja, brahmapurohita - See Brahmaloka.
brahmapārisajja, brahmapurohita - See Brahmaloka.
brahmavaddhana 1 - An old name for Bārānasī (J.iv.119). A king named Manoja reigned there. For details see the Sona Nanda Jātaka. J.v.312ff.
brahmavaddhana 2 - Son of Metteyya Buddha before his Renunciation. Anāgatavamsa, vs.48.
brahmavatī - A brahminee, the mother of Metteyya Buddha. Vsm.434; DhSA.415; Dvy.60; Anāgatavamsa, vs. 96.
A brahmin foremost in Mithilā in his knowledge of the Vedas.
On hearing of the Buddha at the age of one hundred and twenty, he sent his pupil Uttara to discover if the Buddha had on his body the marks of a Mahāpurisa. Uttara therefore visited the Buddha and, having seen the thirty two marks, resolved to observe the Buddha in his every posture and, to this end, followed him about for seven months. He then returned to Brahmāyu and told him of the result of his investigations. Brahmāyu folded his palms reverently and uttered the praises of the Buddha. Soon after, the Buddha came to Mithilā and took up his residence in the Makhādeva ambavana. Brahmāyu, having sent a messenger to announce his arrival, visited the Buddha.
It is said that all those present rose to greet him, but Brahmāyu signed to them to be seated. He satisfied any remaining doubts he had as to the marks on the Buddha's body and then proceeded to ask him questions on various topics. At the end of the discussion he fell at the Buddha's feet, stroking them and proclaiming his name. The Buddha asked him to compose himself, and preached to him on "progressive" discourse. Brahmāyu invited the Buddha and his monks to his house, where he entertained them for a week. His death occurred not long after, and the Buddha, when told of it, said that Brahmāyu had become an Anāgāmī (M.ii.133ff). Brahmāyu's salutation of the Buddha is described as panipāta. ItvA.177.
Brahmāyu Sutta
Records the story of the conversion of Brahmāyu (q.v.).
The Sutta contains a description of the thirty two marks of the Mahāpurisa (Cp. Lakkhana Sutta ) and also particulars of the Buddha's conduct in various circumstances - such as walking, eating, meditating, preaching, etc. That is an example of a sutta in which the word "dhammacakkhu" means the three Paths leading to anāgāmiphala. MA.ii.617.
Brahmāli Thera
He belonged to a brahmin family of Kosala, and, through association with spiritually minded friends and his own realization of the ills of samsāra, he entered the Order. Dwelling in the forest he soon developed insight and acquired arahantship.
In the time of Vipassī Buddha he was a householder, and, seeing the Buddha going on his alms rounds, he gave him a vāra-fruit. Thag.vs.205-6; ThagA.i.327f.
brahmā-samyutta - The sixth section of the Samyutta Nikāya. S.i.136 59.
Brahmā Sutta
1. Brahmā Sutta. The Buddha is under the Ajapālanigrodha, soon after the Enlightenment, pondering on the four satipatthānas as the only way to Nibbanā. Sahampati visits him and agrees with his sentiments. S.v.167.
2. Brahmā Sutta. The scene is the same as in the above. The Buddha is reflecting on the five indriyas (saddhā, sati, etc.), as the way to Nibbāna, and Sahampati visits him and agrees with him, relating how, when he was a monk named Sahaka, in the time of Kassapa Buddha, he developed the five indriyas and was born in the Brahma world. S.v.232f.