Saturday, February 24, 2018

अभिलासदास साहेब (Abhilasdas saheb)

अभिलासदास साहेब से मेरा कोई सीधा मिलना तो नहीं हुआ किन्तु  मैंने उनके कई ग्रन्थ पढ़े हैं और इसलिए लगता है,  मैं उन से मिला हूँ।

अभिलासदास साहेब से मेरा परिचय कबीर पंथ के मेरे गुरु बालकदास साहेब से हुआ था।  निस्संदेह, गुरूजी उनके व्यक्तित्व और कृतित्व से प्रभावित थे। जान पड़ता है, वे व्यक्तिगत रूप से उनसे परिचित थे।  सत्संग के दौरान वे बात-बात पर अभिलासदास साहेब को उद्दृत करते थे।

कबीर पंथ में अनेक साधु -महात्मा हुए हैं किन्तु गोपाल  साहेब (कबीर चौरा कशी ), भगवान साहेब (धनौती बिहार), जागु साहेब (विद्दुपुर, बिहार), धनी धर्मदास साहेब (बांधव गढ़), गुरुदयाल साहेब (फतुहा, बिहार), रामरहस साहेब (गया, बिहार), पूरण साहेब (बुरहानपुर, म. प्र.),  काशी साहेब (बुरहानपुर, म. प्र.), निर्मल साहेब (अजगैबा, उ. प्र.), विशाल साहेब (बाराबंकी, उ. प्र. ) राघव साहेब (कबीर चौरा कशी) आदि का नाम प्रमुखता से लिया जा सकता हैं। अभिलास दास साहेब इसी कड़ी के व्यक्ति हैं।
अभी कुछ ही वर्ष पूर्व 26 सित.  2012  को यह महान विभूति हम से अलग  हो गई । आइए, इस विभूति के बारे में कुछ जानने का प्रयास करें।
जन्म - अभिलासदास साहेब का जन्म ब्राह्मण परिवार में 17 अग. सन 1933  को सिद्धार्थ नगर (उ. प्र.) के खानतारा गावं में हुआ था। बालक के बचपन का नाम 'रामसुमिरन' था। अपने चार भाई-बहनों में रामसुमरन सबसे बड़े थे।  उनकी माता का नाम जगरानी देवी और पिता का नाम दुर्गा प्रसाद शुक्ल था। रामसुमिरन का विवाह 12 वर्ष की अवस्था में हुआ था।  उनकी पत्नी का नाम सरस्वती था। अठारह वर्ष की उम्र में एक पुत्र के पिता बने थे।

 खानतारा गावं से कुछ ही दूरी पर बड़हरा आश्रम है।

आश्रम में साधु संतों का आन-जाना होता था। वहां के साधु रामसूरत की कुछ बातें रामसुमिरन को प्रभावित कर गई। साधु बाबा की बातें बचपन में उसे परिवार में मिले संस्कारों से विरुद्ध थी। यह कहना कि खम्बा फाड़ कर भगवान अवतार नहीं लेता। राम, कृष्ण ईश्वर के अवतार नहीं हैं। पुराणों की अधिकतर बातें कथा- कहानियां हैं, आदि साधु की बातों पर उसे यकीन नहीं होता था किन्तु जितना वह उनसे बात करता, साधु की बातों पर अविश्वास करने का कोई कारण नजर नहीं आता। इस समय राम सुमिरन की उम्र 18 वर्ष थी।      

अभिलासदास ने 21  वर्ष की उम्र में घर त्याग दिया था।
' पारख सिद्धांत बोध'
1.    आत्म-बोध -इच्छा-तृष्णा संयमित कर  आप में स्थित
2 . समाधि - चिंतन-मनन
स्रोत-  सदगुरु अभिलास साहेब: जीवन दर्पण,  लेखक राम दास साहेब
कबीर पारख संस्थान ,  संत कबीर मार्ग,
प्रीतम नगर इलाहबाद(उ. प्र.), 011     

Friday, February 23, 2018

Kabir Ashram Kharsaya

उदितनाम हजूर साहेब
  कबीर आश्रम खरसिया
तब में पालेटेक्निक पढ़ रहा होगा, जब गुरूजी के साथ पहली बार कबीर आश्रम खरसिया आया था।
गुरूजी सत्संग के दौरान, बातों- बातों में आश्रम के बारे में, आश्रम पीठासीन  प. उदितनाम हजूर साहेब के बारे में,  व्यक्तित्व और कृतित्व के बारे में तरह-तरह की बातें बताया करते थे-
कि किस तरह वे आगंतुकों से, परिचितों से हाल-चाल पूछते हैं, मुस्करा कर स्वागत करते हैं और उनके ठहरने और खाने आदि की व्यवस्था के लिए शास्त्रीजी को बोलते हैं। उनकी छोट-छोटी बातें और बात करने का अंदाज गुरूजी हमें विस्तार से बतलाते थे।

और  क्यों न बताएं, वे उनके गुरु जो थे।  गुरूजी बार-बार जगदीश शास्त्री के बारे में बतलाया करते थे।  शात्री जी तब हुजूर साहेब के सहायक थे। शास्त्रीजी के मायने ही सहायक था. गुरूजी बतलाते थे की किस तरह हुजूर साहेब आवश्यक होने पर  शास्त्रीजी को झिड़कने में जरा भी संकोश नहीं करते थे। मगर यह वैसे ही था जैसे एक माँ अपने पुत्र को किसी हिदायत के समय सावधान करती है, छिड़कती है।

 गुरूजी नहीं रहे।  उनका देहांत हुए, आज करीब 13 साल हो रहे हैं। मुझे बात जैसे कल की ही लग रही है।  गुरूजी, लगता है , यहीं कहीं बगल में हैं और मुझे छोटी-छोटी बातें बता रहे हैं।

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sam Sand Dumes Jaisalmer

On the way, a Hotel cottage
Dune means a mound or ridge of sand formed by wind in a desert.  As many dunes are spread in the desert, that is Sand Dunes. And Sam, is a place where these Sand Dunes are exist.

Sam Sand Dunes Jaisalme is located approx. 40 km in outskirt of Jaisalmer.

Hesitation to ride
If you do not ride on a camel's back, you real miss all the fun that associates with it. You want to explore the vast Thar, you must pay the visit of Jaisalmer.

To ride camel is tha Jaisalmer's most popular tourist attraction. If you visit the Golden city Jaisalmer, then it is a must to enjoy this Desert Safari.

The best time for a camel safari is before sunset between 4 to 7 PM or before sunrise.

During these hours, you experience the best warmness of the local people and the sight is no less than carnival.

Notice the children and the camel persoonel clad in their traditional clothes.

The road  40 to 45 km long from Jaisalmer city, leading to Sam Sand Dunes is well maintained by the Indian Arm Force.

The Sand dunes of Jaisalmer is a rare desert area laying on the border of 'Jaisalmer Desert National Park'. There is a Jeep Safari also for your choice.

There is also an option of desert camping where you can stay in mud cottage or Swiss tents right next to the dunes.

During stay, enjoy special dance and music performance by the Rajsthan performer along with relishing vegetarian and non-vegetarian  delicacies.

Sam Sand dunes is one of the most authentic desert site in the whole India, where you will find 30 to 60 meter tall sand dunes.

In camps you can stay for evening or night. All these camps are hardly 20 to 30 minutes before the sun-set point.

A memory pic after welcome
The best time to visit Sam or even Jaisalmer is from Oct. to Feb. On add days, all the camps remains closed, camel person told me.

When you come on your choice camp's gate, you are welcomed with  Rajsthani tradition way beating Nangara and making Tilak on your forehead. Inside, leisure arrangement with 'alaav'( wooden fire) wait for you to relax.

Rajsthani Folk Dance
Camp inner view
Durung the performance, you can be part of Rajsthani foke dance to share the your enjoyment till night 9.30 PM. We had already booked Hotel in Jaisalmer and hence, there was no opportunity to stay further there.

What I have to say, personnel engaged for camel riding are always nearest villager. However, they are engaged by camel owners, but with little and insufficient money.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jodhapur Fort

A view on the top of the Fort
Jodhapur is famous for its Royal Fort, Umaid Bhavan, Mandore garden etc.etc. This city is named by its ruler Rao Jodha

Jodhapur Fort-
This city is also called Blue city. You would be astonished to find thousands and thousands of blue colors buildings to the extend of your sight, seating on the top of the Fort.

In previous history, Jodhapur was known as region of Marwar but later, it named after Rao Jodha. It is also called Mehrangarh perhaps, on the name of Mihir(Sun), being the royal deity. The Fort was built around 1460 by Rao Jodha. He was one of the Ranmal's 24 sons and became the 15th Rathore ruler.

Rao Jodha was a ruler of Mandore which is about 7 km away from Jodhapur. He shifted his capital from Mandore to Jodhapur in security reason.

It is said, with the blessing of a local lady saint Karni Mata, Rao Jodha laid the foundation stone of Mehargarh Fort. To ensure the propitious site, Rao Jodha buried a man of Meghawal caste in laying the foundation of Fort. To this day, his descendants still live in Raj Bagh, 'Rajaram Meghwal Garden'. 

The Fort is situated approx. 400 ft above the city and is surrounded by thick wall. The Fort is at the center of the city spreading over 5 km on the top of high hill. A winding road leads to and from the city below.

Inside, there are several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expensive courtyards. These includes Moti Mahal, Phool Mahal, Sheesh Mahal, and Daulat Khana.
400 ft high Fort
The museum in the Mehargarh Fort is one of the most well-stocked museum in Rajasthan. In one part of this , there is a selection of old royal palanquins, howdahs, royal cradles, miniature, musical instruments, costumes, furniture. The museum exhibits the heritage of the Rathores in arms, costumes, turbans, paintings etc.

The intricate mirror work in the Sheesh Mahal, the exqusite gold painting in the Phool Mahal, the lavish interiors of Takhat Niwas, the Jharokhas of Jhanki Mahal, the gallery of paintings, ornate palanquins in the Daulat Khana are magnificent work.

The rampart of the Fort  house preserved old cannon.

Umaid Bhavan- Umaid Bhavan is one of the world's largest private residence. It has 347 rooms. Is serves as the principal residence of the Jodhpur royal family. A part of this palace is managed by Taj Hotal. It also houses a museum.

It is said, it was constructed to give employment to thousand of people in famine during the years 1929 to 1943. Umaids Singh was the 37th Rathore rular of Marwar at Jodhapur. However, Maharaja was criticised for wasting huge amount of money on this royal palace. On 1943, when opened, it was considered one of the largest royal residence in the world.

Umaid Bhavan
Umaid Bhavan was constructed on Chittar hill in the outer site of the city. As the building materials required were not close, Maharaja built a Rly line first to the site for transporting the materials.

Maharaja preferred Buddhist design and style to construct this Bhavan. Large blocks with interlocking joint were used to avoid using mortal. The palace is built with golden-yellow sandstone. Makarana marble and Burmese teak wood are used for interior wood work.

Umaid Bhavan has several courtyards, a large banquet hall. The interior central dome site above the sky, blue inner dome. The inner vaulted dome is a major attraction in the palace which rises to a height of 103 ft in the interior part  which is capped by an outer dome of 43 ft high. The entry to the palace had decorations of the coat of the arms of the Rathore royal family. The entry leads to the lobby which has polished black granite flooring. The lounge area has pink sandstone and marble floors.
Mandore garden-
Mandore was a ancient town since 6th century CE. As said eralier, Rao Jodha was once ruler of this throne. The Mandore garden with its charming collection of temples and memorials, and its high rock terraces, is another major attraction. The garden house the Chhatrise of many rulers of Jodhapur state. Prominent among them is the Chhatari of Maharaja Ajit Singh, built in 1793.
Mandore Garden
Ravan temple is another attraction at Mandore. It is believed to be the native place of Ravan's wife Mandodari. The mandore garden also house a museum. The Hall of Heroes commemorates popular folk heroes of the region.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jaisalmer Fort & Havelis

It was the 12th Feb 2018, we reached Jaisalmer. Hotel and vehicle were already booked.
Jaisalmer is known for Camel, Desert, Fort and Havelis. Without riding the camel in desert, Jaisalmer trip shall be undiscovered.

Golden City-
Jaisalmer known as the Golden city. The buildings, Havelis, Fort all are in golden color. And that is why, Jaisalmer is called Golden city. In Rajasthan, there is a royal tradition to keep their capital in specific color.

Haveli or hawali meaning 'partition' or 'private space' popularised under Mugal Empire and it was devoid of any architectural affiliation. But later, the word haveli came to be used as generic term for various style of regional mansion.

Again later on, the havelis were status symbol for the Marwaris their extended familie providing security and comfort in seclusion from the outside word.

The havelis in and around Jaisalmer Fort are Patwon Ki Haveli, Salim Singh Ki Haveli and Nathmal Ki Haveli desrve special mansion. These were the elaborate homes of Jaisalmer's rich merchants.

The ostentatious carving etched out in sand stone with infinite detail and then painstakingly pieced together in different patterns each more lavish than the next were commissioned to put on show the owner's status and wealth.

Around Jaisalmer they are typically carved from the yellow sandstone. They are often characterized by wall painting, frescoes, Jharokhas and archway.

The Haveli is dipped in an enchanting shades of gold and instantly draws your attention to the intricacy of its architecture. It is famous for its fine wall painting, beautiful Jharokhas(balconies) archways and gateway.

Patwon Ki Haveli-
This is a cluster of five Havelis. Started by Guman Chand Patwa, a wealthy Banker. It is said, this Havelis cluster took almost 55 years to be built and was completed by his son.

Jaisalmer Fort-
This Fort is located in the remote Thar desert. In the medieval times, Jaisalmer was very prosperous city due to its Trade route situation. Later on,  Rajput clan ruled this town with the support of local merchants.

 Jaisalmer Fort crowns the Trikuta Hill. Within the wall of Jaisalmer Fort, lays the old city. The steep cobbled pathway leading to the royal palace pass through four gates. The Fort was made invincible by pathway having sharp and twinstung turns.

 Jiasalmer Fort is a five story architectural monument embroidered with balconies and windows, exhibiting fine craftsmanship. It has five inter-connected palaces. All the palaces have the amazing 'Jali' and 'Jharokha' work.

Outside the Jaisalmer Fort, is the main market place. From the wall of the Fort, one can have a marvelous view of the old city and the adjoining desert.