Wednesday, July 24, 2013

गरीबी घट रही है

 केंद्र की सत्ता-रूढ़ कांग्रेस जिस को घेरने की बीजेपी कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ना चाहती, के लिए एक अच्छी खबर है. इस खबर के अनुसार, योजना आयोग ने पिछले आठ वर्षों के दौरान देश में 15.3% गरीबी घटने का दावा किया है. सरकारी आकड़ों को माने तो  2004-5  में गरीबी का अनुपात 37.2%   था जो 2011-12 में घट कर 21.9%  हो गया है. दूसरे शब्दों में, 2004-5 में 40.71 करोड़ लोग जो बीपीएल केटेगरी में आते थे, की संख्या 2011-12 में घटकर  26.93 करोड़ हो गई है. ध्यान रहे, गणना का आधार गावों में  816/- और शहरों में 1000/- रूपये प्रति माह आय को गरीबी रेखा के ऊपर माना गया है. अर्थात गावों में 27.20 और शहरों में 33.33 रूपये प्रतिदिन कमाने वाला व्यक्ति सरकार की नजर में गरीब नहीं होता।
     बहरहाल, कांग्रेस के लिए यह एक अच्छी खबर तो होगी मगर, देश के लिए भी यह अच्छी खबर है. यह खबर  लोगों को दिलासा देती है कि कम से कम हम जहाँ के वहां तो नहीं है. दूरी लम्बी ही सही, तय हुई है.
गावं में कई दुकाने खुल गई हैं 
कुछ ही दिन हुए मैं गावं से लौटा हूँ. करीब 6 माह मुझे, एक लम्बे समय के बाद गावं में रहने का मौका मिला. निश्चित तौर पर कुछ बदला तो है. गावं के बाहर सड़क किनारे कई दुकाने खुल गई हैं जो इस बात की तस्दीक करती है कि लोगों के क्रय शक्ति में इजाफा हुआ है. साप्ताहिक बाजार में मांस-मटन की दुकाने काफी लगने  लगी हैं जो पहले हुआ ही नहीं करती थी. छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को फेंसी कपड़े पहने देख वाकई अच्छा लगता है.    
बीपीएल स्कीम के तहत मिलने वाले राशन ने तो नैतिकता के दूसरे ही मापदंड स्थापित किए हैं.राशन  दुकान वाला ही उस राशन को खरीद लेता है, जो आपको नहीं चाहिए. वह बाद में उसे बाजार में ऊँचे दाम पर बेच देता है. इधर गावं और शहर, दोनों ही जगह सरकार की इस योजना ने मजदूरों के श्रम की कीमत को नया आयाम दिया है. वे अब 40-50 रुपयों में काम पर जाना नहीं चाहते. 

युवा नेतृत्व की दरकार

यूरोप और अमेरिका की तुलना में हमारे यहाँ नेताओं के एक से अधिक बच्चें हैं . इन में से  अधिकतर जिम्मेदारी सोपें जाने पर अपनी काबिलियत दर्ज करा सकते हैं. उदाहरण के लिए राहुल ब्रिगेड को हम देख ही रहे हैं.
अन्य पार्टियों में भी कई युवा नेता हैं जो अधिकतर नेता-पुत्र  हैं .
यूवा खून में कुछ कर जाने की तीव्र ललक होती है. वहीं, अस्सी और नब्बे साल में उम्र का अपना तकाजा होता है. आप किसी कार्य को करने के पहले हजार बार सोचते है और जब करते हैं तब तक, कई बार ट्रेन निकल चुकी होती है. यहाँ, हजार बार सोचने पर आपत्ति नहीं है बल्कि, आपत्ति कार्य के इस चक्कर में डिले होने में है.
यूँ युवा खून के अति उत्साह के अपने नुकसान भी हैं.  मगर, इसके लिए बुजुर्ग नेतृत्व का आशीर्वाद भी तो हमारे सिर पर है. मुझे  लगता है कि अब हमारे देश के भीष्म-पितामहों को दूसरों के लिए नहीं तो कम से कम अपने ही लायक बच्चों के लिए कुर्सी खाली कर देनी चाहिए जिनमें वे राजनीती की झलक देखते हैं.  निश्चित रूप से इस कृत्य से उनके स्वय के साथ-साथ देश का भी भला होगा. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bihar Mid-day Meal tragedy

 बिहार के धर्मसती( जिला सारण) प्रायमरी स्कूल में 16 जुला 2013 को  घटित त्रासदी जिसमे करीब 22  बच्चे असमय मौत के मुहँ में समा गए, की जाँच में निम्न बिंदु समाहित किए जाए -
20 children die after eating mid-day meal in Bihar school
soure NDTV
1. घटना के दो दिन पहले ही गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने नितीश कुमार को धमकी दी कि उन्हें ( बीजेपी से सम्बन्ध तोड़ने का) सबक सिखाया जाएगा. ध्यान रहे, शिवसेना, बजरंग दल, राम सेना/ वानर सेना आदि नामों वाले हिन्दू संगठन अपने आकाओं के आदेशों को इसी अंदाज में कार्यान्वित कराते हैं.
2. बच्चों के मिड-डे मील में फ़ूड पायजनिंग नहीं  थी बल्कि, खाने में जहर मिलाया गया था.
3.बच्चों को अस्पताल ले जाने में बहुत ज्यादा देरी हुई थी जिसकी वजह से इतनी मौते हुई .
4. 'जी न्यूज चेनल'  पर प्रसारित कार्यक्रम (20 जुला 2013) के अनुसार, रास्ता जाम होने से बीमार और मरणासन्न बच्चों को सायकिल पर लाद कर अस्पताल ले जाया गया था. जाम  की वजह कुछ लोगों द्वारा  सड़क पर बस, ट्रक आदि को आग लगाना था. प्रत्यक्षदर्शियों के अनुसार, ये हुडदंगी लोगों में गावं वाले शामिल नहीं थे.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bangalore Visit

The world famous Iskcon temple Bangalore

Rahul, my elder son came to Bangalore for his official work. He is in Eperium, a European multinational firm. Eperium, basically provides outsourcing services for E-commerce solution development.

Rahul has inter-shop development  specialization. However, his H/Q is in Amsterdam (Holland) but,  he has to used visit many Asian, European and American countries owing to his work.

On the way
On the eve of my daughter's marriage, Rahul asked us to come Bangalore during his stay there. He sent 4 air tickets, to and fro from Nagpur to Bangalore. He asked us to accompany Sonu's(my daughter-in-law) parents at Nagpur.

Bangalore -
Bangalore, the long awaited city to see, is a Hub of IT sector, called the Silicon Valley. The city earn this name and fame owing to India's leading IT entrepreneur/exporter. It is also well recognized due to India's top level research institutions.

Vidhan Sabha Bhavan Bangalore
Bangalore or Bangaluru,  the capital of Karnataka, is located on Deccan Plateau. It is India's 3rd most populous urban city. It has 10th entrepreneurial rank in the world. Any visitor can see flyover and one-way traffic here and there. The coconut trees are the main vegetation of the city.

Public Sectors -  Numerous Public Sectors, Heavy Industries and IT sectors companies are here. H/Q of several Public sectors e.g. Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL),  National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Aerospace ( HAL), Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd (BHEL) Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML), Hindustan Machine Tool (HMT), are in Bangalore. India's shining and international recognised 'ISRO' (Indian Space Research Organization)  is in the very heart of the city Bangaluru,  since 1972.

Meru cab
Silicon Valley-   Bangalore,  the Silicon Valley of India, has large number of IT companies. They are in three clusters; Software Technology Park of India (STPI), International Technical Park Bangalore (ITPB) and Electronic city. UB city, the H/Q of United Breweries Group, the H/Q of Infosys and Wipro are in Bangalore. Bangalore is also the hub of Biotechnology industries. India largest Biotechnology company Biocon has it's H/Q in Bangalore.

Air port - Bangalore International Air Port is around 40 km away from the city. It is fourth busiest Air Port in India having about 280 air traffic movements per day. Meru Cab, Easy Cab etc are taxi services available there.

Climate -

Due to it's high elevation (average 900 M)  Bangalore climate remains moderate throughout the year. The hottest month is April having average temp. 34.0 C whereas coolest month is Dec with average temp 15 C.

Diamond District apartment
On Jan 9, 2013, we proceeded to Nagpur by train and taken IndiGo Flight 6E 436 on next day at 20.20 Hrs.We reached Bangalore at 22.00 Hrs.

We proceeded to Diamond District, our staying apartment. Diamond District is approx. 40 KM away from Bangalore International Air Port. We had dinner and soon slept under bad feeling tiredness.


Diamond District - The Diamond district are residential service Apartments with hotel like amenities including kitchen. Beautiful Gardening and kid's Play area are there. These service apartments, type 2 BHK/3 BHK are equipped with adequate staff and security.

Along the street Iskcon temple
Our apartment 71 K, 3 BHK was on 7th floor. Indeed, lift was there. The apartment was well furnished having wooden floor, wooden wardrobe, cabinets and other furniture like Dining and sofa-set etc.

My son Rahul, daughter-in-law Sonu and their very small sweetly daughter Zoe were stayed in Royal Orchid Hotel, just aside of Diamond District.

Royal Orchid Hotel - This is one of the Royal Orchid Group of Hotels. Mostly,  global business travelers are stayed here. The famous Golf Coarse ground is just aside this 5 stars Hotel.

Jan 11, 2013 - We wake up late in morning. While we were about to fresh, Sonu rang the bell and intimated today's programme. She said,  taxi shall be ready on 10.30 Hrs for  Bangalore visit.

Iskcon Temple
We came on taxi at 11.00 Hrs but could not proceed till 1.30 PM due to engaging one another taxi. Actually,  our group members were more what was assessed previously.

ISKCON Bangalore Temple -
Our first site was Iskcon Temple. It is said, this is one of the largest Radha-Krisha Temple in the world.
It is located at Rajani Nagar in North Bangalore. The temple was inaugurated in 1997.

The shining gold-plated 17 M high Dwajastambha (flag-post) and  Kalash Shikara 8.5 M high attract visitors far away from the temple.

There are some other Shrines; Balraam, Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, Nitya Nanda, Venkateshwara, Prahalaad-Nara Sinha  etc there in  temple premises.
Rath Yatra is also organized here.

As per site of the temple, the 'Akshaya Patra Foundation' a core wing of Iskcon,  is involved in implementing the center Govt.'s  Mid-day Meal programme to the children in Government and Government-aided schools across India. It is reaching out to over 9000 Govt. schools feeding 1.3 millions children round the year.

Leela Palace Hotel -

12 Jan. is Rahul's B' Day. We celebrated it making a fun of visit to Leela Palace Hotel with his friends. Leela Palace Hotel is a Royal Hotel with lot of fun facilities. We enjoyed bowling game there. Then, there was a dance floor. All of Rahul's friends;  Arun Tiwari and Miss Rucheta, Mr. Jasvant Singh etc enjoyed with dancing together. These young guys were Rahul's colleagues working in AccentureBangalore.

Ratanlal Mina, Rahul's close friend had been already with us at Bangalore having his wife and two very sweetly kids. Ratanla and Rahul were working on the same company office at  Holland since a couple of months ago. But, to take care of his old mother, he has to came back India permanently. Now, he is living with family in Delhi with his mother. 

This Golf Course is situated along Royal Orchid Hotel, hardly 150 M from Diamond District. On the eve of his B' Day, Rahul had made a plan to visit there. He collected required information and briefed. 

Glass House
A small white ball is kicked with a stick called 'club' into a hole. There are varieties of these clubs with respect to requirement. A player may practice on the allowed designated areas. You must stroke within the teeing ground to play a ball within it.

LalBagh Botanical Garden - It is known for having huge collection of Red rose, that is why, it is called LalBagh,

The Botanical Garden in Lalbagh, is of Royal origin. The construction  was started by Hyder Ali and developed by his son Tipu Sultan during 18th century. It was further developed by British rulers and successively by deportment of Horticulture, Govt of India

Presently, this green paradise is spread over an area of 250 Acres having different varieties of plant species. Nearly 700 genera and 2000 species of plants are found in LalBagh. Today among some are very rare and exported from different parts of world.

Biannual flower shows are organized every year on 26 Jan (republic Day) and 15 Aug. (Independence Day).

The LalBagh has four entries from four directions. Some important things to see in LalBagh are; The Glass House, Kempe Gowda Tower, Band Stand, Pigeon House, The Museum, Deer Padock, Aquarium Building, Aviary, Lake etc.

The Glass House is inspired from the London's Crystal place.The Glass House appears as a shining white monument in glass hosting a wide array of colorful flowers in the morning whereas at night it is lit up in golden light creating a view which is a treat to the eyes.

Vidhan Sabha Bhavan- While we were heading Vidhan Sabha Bhavan, I was stunned to see the building architect. It is a example of neon-Dravidian architecture comprising richly carved bases and capitals for pillars, deep friezes, kapotha cornices, chaithya arches, heavy pediments domical finial etc. One of the interesting feature of this building is grand stairs in its front. The grand stairs has a flight of forty five steps 62 M wide and 21 M deep giving a direct access to the foyer of first floor leading to Assembly Chamber.
 Nandi Temple-  The Nandi or Bull Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Nandi (Bull) is the Vahana (vehicle) of the Lord Shiva.
The temple has a monolithic giant bull (4 to 5 M tall and 6 M long ) carved out from a single granite rock.

It is a sculptural masterpiece.
The temple is situated in Basavangudi locality. In Kannada, Basava means bull.

The temple is a Dravidian style architect, built by Kempe Gowda in the 16th century.

It is a Hindu temple Non-Hindus are not allowed this temple.

UB City is known by the millionaire Mr. Vijay Mallya, chairman of UB Group.It is the biggest commercial project in Bangalore.

Built up on 13 acres the UB city hosts nearly 10,00,000 sq ft of commercial and service apartments space.

 It has four towers namely, UB Tower(19 Floors), Comet(11 Floors), Cenberra (17 Floors) and Concorde (19 Floors).

UB city is located on Vittal Mallya Road just half Km away from M G Road.

UB City means Brands collections of varities; UB City means international class of Dining.

UB city means Bangalore’s fine dining hubs etc..etc.

With a range of home like restaurants, UB City now offers an array of global food cuisines. From the royal Indian cuisine  at Khansama to a diverse mix of Japanese, Balinese and Chinese Cuisine.
Aside from the finger licking food, one can’t help but notice the distinctive theme surrounding each of these restaurants.

The New Beggars

      The New Beggars
        (A anti mid-day meal campaign)

Kids beggars in a street corner.. ?
Kids beggars in front of a temple.. ?

No, these are kids taking mid-day meal in government schools !

 Are you shocked to see this? This is the bitter facts brought by Dr Anand.
That is why, we called them Beggars.
Approx. twelve millions children of lower castes are being trained as beggars.
These children are mostly from SCs/STs and OBCs.

Dr Anand made a deep serve. That is why, he started a campaign against this mid-day meal policy.
Dr Anand: MBBS, MS(Ophthalmology) committed to remain unmarried to the cause of the society
He is a pioneer of social movements on several fronts. Anti mid-day campaign is one of them.
What is Mid-day meal ?
Hon'ble Supreme court asked central government that what steps are taken towards Art 14 where provision is made 50 years ago to give compulsory education, children aging 6 to 14 years.

Government had no answer.
Giving assurance to Hon'ble Supreme Court, Central government made study/serve and introduced Mid-day meal Scheme to increase the enrollment in primary/middle schools.

The Mid-day Meal Scheme was introduced step by step.Three Kg wheat and rice were distributed first time during 1995-2002.Then Dalia and Khichadi were distributed during 2002-04. And, this Mid-day Meal Scheme came from 2007.

No counter check -

But as such, there was no intention/commitment to educate them. Also, there was no counter-check, whether the mid-day meal is being utilized for their education or not ?

Central government was only well wisher to put the submission to Hon'ble court. That is why, mid-day meal scheme is failed badly.
Ugly aspect of this scheme -Teachers/staff round O' clock busy to manage Mid-day Meal instead to teach the kids.Even teachers, teaches there are not sending their own kids in these schools.

 Beggars training Centers -
Local news papers are publishing daily news having found IIlies, dead chhipkalies,and dead rats/snacks etc in kids Mid-day Meal. In spite of staff busy round O'clock, mid day meal is served to these school kids as Beggars. In fact, Government. schools have been formed as centers to trained these kids as Beggars.

Comparative study;
Mid-day meal schools                          Vs     Non mid-day meal schools
Teachers busy in mid day meal               /       Teachers busy in teaching only.
Mid day meal is served in schools         /        Tiffin boxs are brought from their home.
85% kids belongs to lower castes          /       85% kids from upper castes.
15% pass out kids goes for higher study   /     100% kids goes for higher study

Shiksha Vahan:  Dr Anand under this serve, visited several schools. A Shiksha Vahan is made ready to bringing awareness. A campaign was started through vehicle. Dr Anand went in street to street to take views of public.He brought the bitter facts of Mid-day Meal in public. People raised their hands in support of Dr Anand to stop Mid-day Meal.

Schools Serve -
Dr Anand made serve of many schools. One event such, he said-
this may be the fate of your own kids ?