Sunday, July 24, 2011

Madness that open fire and kill 90 youths

On 22 July 11, a 32 aged Norwegian opens fire and kills 90 youth aged 12 to 18.
         As per news , the youths were gone on the tiny forest island where a annual summer camp was hosted for the youth wing of Norway's Labour rulling party.At about 600 young people were gathered there.It is said, the gunman wearing police uniform, went on shooting the youths who were attending their party summer camp.The youths scattered in panic and some jumped in the lake too to swim for the main land.
       However, the killer has been arrested quickly.He is suspected as right-wing Christian fundametalist.He was also charged for other bombing that killed seven people hours earlier.
       Here, it is to be noted that such type of madness is not a new thing in western countries.So many similar instances have been in past. What does such instances indicate ? why should be such thing ? What is the reason of this madness ? Why one gets ignite and open fire in such manner ? Killing of hundrends innocent ? How this madness ?   .....there are lot of questions required attention and debate.
          But first,let us salute to that little girl, who say- 'if one man show so much hate, think how much love we could show standing together'.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

डॉ. बिनायक सेन को अंतरराष्ट्रीय शांति पुरस्कार (Dr. Binayak Sen)

           खबर है कि  बिलासपुर के.डॉ. बिनायक सेन को लंदन के गांधी फाउंडेशन ने वर्ष 2011 के अंतरराष्ट्रीय शांति पुरस्कार के लिए चुना है। याद रहे, यह वही हस्ती है जिसे छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार ने कुछ समय पहले देश द्रोह के आरोप में जेल में ठूंस दिया था.भला हो देश के बुद्धिजीवियों का जो डा बिनायक सेन के साथ तन कर खड़े रहे और परिणामस्वरूप वे जमानत पर ही सही, जेल से रिहा होने में सफल रहे. 
         विदित हो, डा बिनायक  सेन के साथ ही झारखंड के बुलु इमाम को भी इस  पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया है। पांच साल पहले यह अवार्ड शबाना आजमी को दिया गया था. वर्ष 1998 से शुरू हुए इस अवॉर्ड को अब तक 13 लोगों को सम्मानित किया जा चुका है।
          संस्था के अनुसार डा बिनायक सेन और बुलु इमाम आदिवासियों के लिए सालों से संघर्ष कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने शोषण के खिलाफ अहिंसक आंदोलन भी चला रखा है। बिनायक ने स्वास्थ्य और सामाजिक कार्यक्रमों के जरिए और इमाम ने संस्कृति और सत्याग्रह के सहारे खदानों का विरोध करते हुए सत्याग्रह का रास्ता अपनाकर आदिवासियों को राह दिखाई है, इसलिए उन्हें इस पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया।
         छतीसगढ़ की रमन  सरकार को अपने स्टेंड को रिविव्यु करना चाहिए.रमन  सरकार अंत तक कहते रह गई कि डा बिनायक सेन नक्सलाईटों से मिले हुए हैं और कि वे देश द्रोही है.
     उल्लेखनीय है कि डा बिनायक सेन जाने-माने शिशु रोग विशेषज्ञ हैं और उन्होंने आदिवासियों के बीच जा कर स्वास्थ्य को समाज से जोड़ने का कार्य किया है .

Thursday, July 21, 2011

संत गाडगे बाबा

       संत गाडगे बाबा का नाम, डा. बाबा साहेब आम्बेडकर लिटरेचर पढने के दौरान हुआ था।  सहज ही कुतूहल हुआ,  ये गाडगे बाबा कौन है ? और डा. आम्बेडकर के साथ इनका क्या रिश्ता है ? आइये, महाराष्ट्र के इस महान संत को हम जानने का प्रयास करे-    

गाडगे बाबा का जन्म 23 फर, 1876 को महाराष्ट्र के शेगांव में हुआ था। इनके पिता का नाम झिंगराजी और माता का नाम सखुबाई था। गाडगे बाबा के बचपन का नाम ढेबु था। ढेबुजी अपने माँ- बाप की अकेली संतान थे।   ढेबु जब काफी छोटे थे, तभी इनके पिताजी का देहांत हो गया था। झिंगराजी के गुजर जाने के बाद सखुबाई इस छोटे-से बच्चे को लेकर अपने भाई के आश्रय में आकर रहने लगी थी.

ढेबु बचपन से ही कुछ अलग प्रवृति के थे। वे साथ के बच्चों से हट कर रहते थे। वे निर्विकार भाव से घंटों आसमान की ओर कुछ देखा करते थे।  माँ को बच्चे की यह प्रवृति परेशान करती थी। खैर, बालक ढेबु बड़ा होता है। बड़े होने के साथ उसमे अन्य साथी बच्चों के साथ घुल-मिलने की आदत बढती है।  वह किसानी करता है।  खेत में जानवर चराने ले जाता है।
ढेबु जब जवान होता है तो उसकी शादी कुंता बाई से होती है। उनके चार बच्चें होते हैं। ढेबु भी खेत में काम करते हैं। किन्तु , आगे चलकर दो-तीन साल निरंतर अकाल पड़ने से उन्हें अपने खेत से हाथ धोना पड़ता है। तब,  ढेबु को साहूकार के खेत में काम करने जाना पड़ता है।

एक दिन ढेबु जब खेत के अनाज की फसल पर बैठे पक्षियों को भगाते होते हैं, उस समय वहां से एक साधू गुजरता हैं। साधू उसकी हरकत को बड़े कुतुहल से देखता है।  वह ढेबु से पूछता है,  क्या वह उस अनाज का मालिक है ? ढेबु को एकाएक जैसे बोध होता है।  वह क्या है, कौन है.....जगत क्या है... समाज क्या है ? और फिर, ढेबु घर छोड़ देता है।  वह निकल पड़ता है, इन सब सवालों के उत्तर जानने।  वह पैदल यात्रा करता है।  एक गाँव फिर,  दूसरा गाँव।  तीसरा गाँव...चौथा,पांचवा।  वह निरंतर चलता है।  और फिर, उसके हाथ में आती है- झाड़ू।
उसकी खोज पूरी होती है-झाड़ू से।  वह इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचता है कि उसके आस-पास जैसा है, ठीक नहीं है। सफाई की जरुरत है।  लोगों की, उनके घर-परिवार की।  उनके दिमाग के नालियों की।  वह झाड़ू पकड़ता है और शुरू हो जाता है।  लोगों के घर के सामने गन्दी नालियों की सफाई करने।  ढेबु के अनुसार  ये कीचड़ से भरी गन्दी नालियां ही हैं, जो लोगों की सोच को गन्दा रखती है। अगर,  लोगो के घर-आँगन  के सामने की इन गन्दी और बदबूदार नालियों की सफाई की जाए तो हो सकता है, लोगों की सामाजिक सोच बदले ?

इसकी चिंता किये बगैर कि लोग क्या सोचेंगे, ढेबु अपने काम में लग जाते हैं।  ढेबु ने अपने पास कटोरे-नुमा एक मिटटी का पात्र रख लिया था। वे गाँव-घरों के आस-पास जहाँ कहीं गन्दगी देखते, झाड़ू लेकर शुरू हो जाते। इस दौरान अगर कोई उन्हें खाने के कुछ देता तो उसे वे अपने मिटटी के पात्र में ले लेते। कुछ लोग इसके एवज में ढेबु को पैसा भी देने लगे।  ढेबु इसमें से थोड़े पैसे अपने पास रख लेते और अधिकांश गावं के मुखिया को यह कर लौटा देते कि ये गाँव की सफाई पर खर्च करें।

शुरू-शुरू में लोगों को ढेबु का यह गोरख-धंधा बड़ा विचित्र लगा।  मगर, जल्दी ही उन में से कुछ बुजुर्ग ढेबु के काम की सराहना करने लगे।  ढेबु अपने काम में मस्त थे।  उन्हें कोई प्रशंसा करता है या बुराई, इसकी तनिक भी परवाह नहीं थी।  मगर, धीरे-धीरे ढेबु से लोग जुड़ते गए। कारवां बढ़ता गया। अब लोगों के दिलों में ढेबु के प्रति सम्मान नज़र आने लगा था । वे उन्हें अब ढेबुजी कह कर पुकारने लगे थे .   
अपने सफाई के अभियान में लोगों की सांत्वना पाकर ढेबुजी को अच्छा लगा है।उनके दिमाग में अब एक और बात आती है। वे देखते हैं कि किसानों को अच्छी फसल न होने का कारण वर्षा की कमी है।  इसका हल वे नदी-नाले में  जगह-जगह घाट बना कर वर्षा का पानी रोकने में देखते हैं। वे लोगों तक अपनी बात पहुंचाते का अभियान छेड़ते हैं। वे खुद इस काम में जुट जाते हैं। धीरे-धीरे लोगों को ढेबुजी की यह बात पसंद आती है। और फिर,  वे एक बड़े जन-आंदोलन से नदियों पर कई घाट बनवाते हैं।
इधर, ढेबुजी कीर्तन करना शुरू कर देते हैं।  वे अपनी बात कीर्तन के माध्यम से लोगों तक पहुंचाते हैं। वे बताते हैं कि उनके दुःख का कारण गावों में फैला अन्धविश्वास है।  जादू-टोना, देवी-देवता की अंध-पूजा में वे जकड गए हैं।  पत्थरों के मूर्तियों की पूजा करने से उनका कल्याण नहीं हो सकता है।  उन्हें अपना कल्याण तो खुद करना पडेगा।  अगर वे किसी मुसीबत में हैं तो उपाय उन्हें स्वयं ढूँढना होगा। वे अपने कथन के समर्थन में  कबीर और  तुकाराम, ज्ञानदेव आदि महाराष्ट्र के संतों को उदृत करते हैं।

जमीन से जुड़े ऐसे संत की मुलाकात बाबा साहब आंबेडकर से होती है।  बाबा साहब  दलित समाज में पैदा हुए ऐसे महान संत से मिलकर अभिभूत होते हैं। साथियों, यह महान संत  20 दिस 1956 को  इस दुनिया से अलविदा लेते हैं।
Gadge Baba died on December 20, 1956 on his way to Amravati, on the banks of river Pedhi nearValgaon.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hotel Sheraton( Brussels);memoirs

At that time, we were in Amsterdam.Rahul, my son had a work related to his visa. He was asked to collect his US Visa from Brussels for which, he was persuading since long.Rahul took this as a opportunity to make Belgium trip with his us.

We prepared and took train from Schiphol at the early morning, reached Brussles central at 11.30 Hrs via Den Haag
       At Brussels Central,we left the train  and stepped ahead towards hotel Sheraton. On the way, while dragging stroller having Zoe, my grand daughter, he asked suddenly,"where is my bag ?"
We stopped staring him.We didn't know what he means.At once, we realized, one bag having his cemara and other Passport related documents was not on his back as he was carrying earlier.It was missing.
  Rahul and Sonu moved towards the Central stn for searching. Rahul lodged the complaint in 'Lost and found Deptt'. When they were  to return taking a lost view of that situation where we had dropped our baggage leaving the train on platform,Rahul shouted-  Hey! that my bag.His bag was just aside of  Rly Police person. Perhaps, the bag, which Rahul was carrying since beginning could not be taken up in hurry.
We were glad to find that missingbag.Rahul was saying, all things were insured and as such, he was not so perturbed.We marched to hotel Sheraton. It is in Rogierplein.The hotel, its entrance, reception counter,VIPs lounge are all vibrant.
Our room No.1708 was on 17th floor.The lift, corridors, rooms all were so designed that you go to find yourself in a medieval palace.The rooms are well equipped with all facilities which you finds in 5 star hotel. The rooms are air conditioned and fully equipped with trouser press, fridge, tv, telephone, pc connection with Internet connection.Coffee and tea making facilities are also there. All bathrooms have heated baths, complete with hairdryer and other amenities.

Rahul called his friend Willem who were residing 6 to 8 km aways. Willium came his car. You know, car driving in Europea cities are things to avoid. It is better, parks your car and get allow to use of metro, tram or local bus service as these are more easy going ways and of coarse, cheap too.
          The Hotel is nearby City Center shopping, Grand Place, Sablon, Waterloo, Walibi Amusement Park, City of Antwerp, City of Bruges etc.For a bright start to your day, there is art fitness center with a sauna and rooftop swimming pool, perfect for a morning view of this vibrant city.The most spacious guest rooms welcome you in style. The hotel tower, reigning Brussels' skyline with its 30 floors, is composed of Classic and Club Rooms as well as suites. All accommodations feature wooden furniture, warm colors, and the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed. Discover utmost comfort with its plush mattress, warm blanket, cozy duvet, crisp sheets, and plenty of pillows.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Flora Holland,where beauty meets business

         I had heard lot of about world biggest flower auction market. And, it's of coarse, in Netherlands.
Auction Clocks
      During our stay at Netherlands, we made visit as we got the opportunity.

You know, Netherlands is the heart of the international floriculture. It has an high-quality network of companies, ranging from breeders and growers to sales experts and export firms, representing every aspect of the business. The Netherlands is the place where supply and demand come together from Europe and beyond.And that is the FloraHolland at Nethrlands.

Visit the auction-
At FloraHalland,auction get started in early morning.You need to get up early to visit.The flower auction is a fascinating sight. Behold dozens of tractors with flower trolleys swarming around.

A brilliant and unique technique is adopted for this auctioning. This method of selling is known as the ‘Dutch auction’. A very wide and deep assortment of flowers and plants is available though the FloraHolland auction clocks on a daily basis. Every day, 39 auction clocks are in operation at FloraHolland centers. This means 125,000 auction transactions every day. In other words, 12 billion cut flowers and over half a million plants a year.

Online buying:-FloraHolland offers dealers sophisticated facilities for online buying:
7.FloraHolland;where beauty meets business
FloraHolland, the world's largest auction organization, processes over 12 billion flowers and plants a year. The cooperative flower auction FloraHolland offers growers and customers a network of six national and international marketplaces (Aalsmeer, Naaldwijk, Rijnsburg, Venlo, Bleiswijk and Eelde), a national intermediary organization (FloraHolland Connect) and an internationally active Import department.

Bloemencorso Aalsmeer (Veduta interna)8.Visit the Aalsmeer center

You walk out of the Visitors Center over a gallery through the auction complex. You can see into the auction rooms where the flowers are auctioned at the clock, where the products are shown and the buyers do business from the auction gallery. The route is marked out with signs which explain in four languages (Dutch, French, German and English) what you see on your way. You can also be accompanied by a guide.
Opening hours
The auction is open to the public from Monday to Friday between 7 and 11 am. The earlier you get here, the more fun you’ll have. The auction is closed to the public at Saturdays, Sundays and official bank holidays.

Entrence fees
Adults € 5.00
Children (6 to 11 years) € 3.00

With a Combi ticket, you can combine a visit to the auction with a stroll in the Aalsmeer Historical Gardens and a round trip from Aalsmeer through the Westeinderplassen. This fun day out costs only € 12.00. Children € 7.25 (this offer only applies on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from April 17 to October 5).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Antwerp;the world famous city of Dimond

City of diamonds, city of fashion, city of one of the most important international ports, city of Pieter Paul Rubens and so much more having countless shopping streets, that's beautiful city Antwerp 

      Antwerp is a municipality of Belgium and the capital of the Flanders, one of Belgium's three regions. Antwerp's total population is 472,071 and its total area is 204.51 km2, giving a population density of 2,308 inhabitants per km².

Antwerp has long been an important city in the nations of the Benelux both economically and culturally, especially before the Spanish Fury of the Dutch Revolt. It is located on the right bank of the river Scheldt, which is linked to the North Sea by the estuary Westerschelde. The city has one of the largest seaports in Europe.
 Groen Plaats
KBC Tower
the port of Antwerp is the 17th largest (by tonnage) port in the world and second only to Rotterdam in Europe.It handles high volumes of economically attractive general and project cargo, as well as bulk cargo. Antwerp's docklands, with five oil refineries, are home to a massive concentration of petrochemical industries, second only to the petrochemical cluster in Houston, Texas. Electricity generation is also an important activity, with four nuclear power plants at Doel, a conventional power station in Kallo, as well as several smaller combined cycle plants.

Antwerp's other great mainstay is the diamond trade that takes place largely within the diamond district.Since last two decades Indian traders become increasingly important. Antwerp World Diamond Centre, the successor to the Hoge Raad voor Diamant, plays an important role in setting standards, regulating professional ethics, training and promoting the interests of Antwerp as a centre of the diamond industry.
VLM Airlines has its head office on the grounds of Antwerp International Airport in Deurne, Antwerp; the office is also CityJet's Antwerp office.
Building and Museum-
In the 16th century, Antwerp was noted for the wealth of its citizens the houses of these wealthy merchants and manufacturers have been preserved throughout the city. However fire has destroyed several old buildings, such as the house of the Hanseatic League on the northern quays in 1891. The city also suffered considerable war damage by V-bombs, and in recent years other noteworthy buildings were demolished for new developments.
Antwerp Zoo was founded in 1843, and is home to more than 6,000 animals (about 769 species). One of the oldest zoos in the world, it is renowned for of its high level of research and conservation.
Cental Station

Central Station is a railway station designed by Louis Delacenserie that was completed in 1905. It has two monumental neo-baroque facades, a large metal and glass dome 60m and a gilt and marble interior
The whole complex is over 400m long and has two entrances, a historic domed building at the Astrid square and a modern atrium at the Kievit square.There are three levels of tracks and a shopping center which includes a diamond gallery with more than 30 diamond shops.
The monumental main building has a huge dome and towers with several ornaments including large lion statues with different kinds of marble and stone. Not a single square meter either inside or outside the building is not decorated.The platforms are covered by a huge iron and glass vaulted ceiling.The station has two lower-level platforms, including one for high speed trains.
Cathedral Tower

The Groenplaats-  The Groenplaats or 'Green Place', one of Antwerp's most prominent squares, is located in the heart of the city's historic district, near the cathedral. At its center stands a statue of Antwerp's most famous painter, Pieter Paul Rubens.Not as green as its name suggests, the Groenplaats is a square bordered mainly by cafés. The café terraces are very popular with both tourists and local.The square offers great views of the Cathedral, which borders the Groenplaats to the north. It is also the starting place of a tourist tram, which offers a ride along some of Antwerp's most interesting sights.

Cathedral of Our Lady. This church was begun in the 14th century and finished in 1518. The church has four works by Rubens, viz. "The Descent from the Cross", "The Elevation of the Cross", "The Resurrection of Christ" and "The Assumption"
The Onze Lieve Vrouwe Kathedraal (Cathedral of our Lady) is a masterpiece of lace work in stone.
Cathedral Tower' stone work
It is one of the finest gothic buildings in Europe. The cathedral was the tallest structure in the Low Countries for several centuries. Even now, the 123 meter tall spire reigns over the city. 
Cathedral Tower's stone work
          The wide central nave is flanked by three aisles on each side, creating a huge interior space with 48 pillars in each aisle. The cathedral has a length of 117m .
Cathedral Tower's stone work
There are many more notable objects inside like altars, confessionals, statues and the pulpit. The main relic that survived the middle ages is the bronze tomb of Isabella of Bourbon. The Cathedral is also adorned with 34 huge stained windows.
St. James' Church, is more ornate than the cathedral. It contains the tomb of Rubens

The Church of St. Paul has a beautiful baroque interior. It is a few hundred yards north of the Grote Markt

Plantin-Moretus Museum preserves the house of the printer Christoffel Plantijn and his successor Jan Moretus

The Saint-Boniface Church is an Anglican church and headseat of the archdeanery North-West Europe.

Boerentoren (Farmers' Tower) or KBC Tower, a 26-storey building built in 1932, is the oldest skyscraper in Europe.

Royal Museum of Fine Arts, close to the southern quays, has a collection of old masters (Rubens, Van Dyck, Titian) and the leading Dutch masters.

Rubenshuis is the former home and studio of Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) in Antwerp. It is now a museum.

Exchange or Bourse, one of the earliest institutions in Europe with that title, was built in 1872.
Law Courts, designed by the Richard Rogers Partnership, Arup and VK Studio, and opened by King Albert in April 2006. This building is the antithesis of the heavy, dark court building designed by Joseph Poelaert that dominates the skyline of Brussels. The courtrooms sit on top of six fingers that radiate from an airy central hall, and are surmounted by spires which provide north light and resemble oast houses or the sails of barges on the nearby River Scheldt. It is built on the site of the old Zuid ("South") station, at the end of a magnificent 1.5 km perspective at the southern end of Amerikalei. The road neatly disappears into an underpass under oval Bolivarplaats to join the motorway ring. This leaves peaceful surface access by foot, bicycle or tram (routes 8 & 12). The building's highest 'sail' is 51 m (167.32 ft) high, has a floor area of 77,000 m2 (828,821.10 sq ft), and cost €130 million.
Although Antwerp was formerly a fortified city, nothing remains of the former enceinte or of the old citadel defended by General Chassé in 1832, except for the Steen, which has been restored. Modern Antwerp's broad avenues mark the position of the original fortifications. After the establishment of Belgian independence, Antwerp was defended by the citadel and an enceinte around the city. In 1859, seventeen of the twenty-two fortresses constructed under Wellington's supervision in 1815–1818 were dismantled and the old citadel and enceinte were removed. A new enceinte 8 miles (13 km) long was constructed, and the villages of Berchem and Borgerhout, now boroughs of Antwerp, were absorbed within the city.

Due to its long and culturally rich history, the city of Antwerp houses many interesting historical buildings from different historical periods, as well as a lot of interesting museums. Recently it has become a trendy city, attracting a lot of Flemish and foreign artists, writers, intellectuals, and actors. This is reflected in the city's many trendy bars and shops. Antwerp is a city with many faces. While it may not be as historically preserved as other Flemish medieval cities, like Bruges or Ghent, it is a very dynamic city, offering a perfect mix of history and present-day modern life 
There are a few airlines serving this local airport. Most flights are with CityJet, catering to business travelers. Flights go to London (LCY) and Manchester (MAN) in the United Kingdom with convenient connections to Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh and Jersey. There is a regular bus to the center and a taxi costs around €10

Vlaamse Opera
 Every hour there is a direct bus to and from this airport which costs €10 and has two stops in Antwerp at Hotel Crowne Plaza and in the city center, in front of Central Station. Taking the train from Brussels Airport is also an option to arrive in Antwerp (tickets €9,50, change trains in Brussels-North). It takes 45 min to 1 hr to reach Brussels Airport from Antwerp. On weekends, this could extend to an extra 30 minutes.  

There are 2 options to take the train from Amsterdam Schiphol airport to Antwerp central station. There is a regular intercity train Amsterdam - Brussels that connects Schiphol Airport directly with Antwerp Central station in approximately 1 hr 50 minutes. You can buy tickets with credit card at the automatic ticket booths in the Schiphol arrival hall. Payment with cash is also possible at the counter. Or you can book through Belgian Railways (SNCB/NMBS) . A single ticket costs about €25. Second option, is the bright red high-speed Thalys train Amsterdam - Paris, which also connects Amsterdam airport with Antwerp central station, in about half the time it takes the regular train, but at double the price. Contrary to regular trains, reservations on Thalys are required. Best reserve your seat a week or so beforehand, since buying a ticket on the spot will turn out to be even more expensive. Please keep in mind that the regular intercity and the Thalys are run by different companies, but their trains tend to leave from the same platform. Whatever you do, do not jump on a Thalys train with a regular intercity ticket or vice versa. Thalys and regular train tickets are not interchangeable. Your wallet won't like the fine.
Hand Sculpture
By train
Belgium has an extensive rail network, and for intercity travel within Belgium, trains are always the best option. Tickets can be bought on the website of the Belgian railways and at the ticket counters in most stations. There are good train connections to and from Brussels Airport and Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, international trains from France and the Netherlands stop in Antwerp—central station only, and not anymore in Antwerp-Berchem. To plan your trip, you can consult the website of the NMBS for national and international travels.
By Bus
Antwerp has Eurolines (at Rooseveltplaats) and Ecolines (at Berchem station square) offices with buses coming from all over Europ
Public transportation

Egle Fountain

A scooter; standing

The public transportation company De Lijn has a dense network of buses, trams, and pre-metro connections in the city and wide areaaround it. You can buy cards of €9 (10 fares) at fixed points in town or buy them inside buses. If you don't have a card you pay more inside the bus (€2.00 per fare). For one fare, you can ride up to an hour within the entire city center limits. If you want to travel out of the city center you have to pay more for the extra zones travelled. The central public transportation point is the Franklin Roosevelt plaats, near the central train station. Most buses leave from there or from the train station.

The trams and pre-metro (underground tram) also cross through the whole city.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brussels;the capital city of Europe

Dating back to the 11th century the city of Brussels has evolved countless times throughout history but some of the monuments, buildings and streets still exist today. Throughout the ages Brussels city has been the home of kings, the hub of activity for trade and enterprise from porcelain to tapestries and to this day you can still see the outline of the original city walls built into the modern cityscape...says its web site 
Royal Palace
Belgium became an independent state in 1830 after protests against the policies of King William of the Netherlands. Since then, Belgium has created its own Constitution and proclaimed its own sovereign – King Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was the first king of the Kingdom of Belgium

Brussels Pact
File:Castle of Laeken.JPG
Royal Palace of Laeken
Also known as the Brussels Treaty (17 March 1948) or the Treaty of Brussels, it is the historical initiation of a European cooperation that set the basis for the current European Union. The Brussels Pact was signed after the end of World War II by representatives of five countries: France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. It was an international contract to build Western European economic, social and cultural cooperation and collective self-defence.
European Paliament
European Institutions
After being appointed the seat of the European Union, Brussels has become hub of European Union activity. The following institutions are now operating from Brussels: the European Commission, the European Parliament and NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation). In recent times the European Council has started to hold all quarterly summits in Brussels.
Local Government
Charlemagne Building
Apart from the European institutions in Brussels, in view of democracy, Brussels has a regional government (Brussels Region) and 19 communes handling the activities of each area of the city. Each commune has its own mayor and cabinet.
Important Event:Flower carpet
Grand Palace
Every two years the cobblestones of the Grand Place are covered in flowers. They are carefully positioned into a giant tableau symbolising a piece of Belgian culture. Hundreds of flower growers and horticulturists come together to put on this magnificent show in August. Visitors can see the grand carpet from up-high in the Town Hall for a small entrance fee.
Belgium covers an area of 30,528 square kilometers and has a population of about 10.5 million.
The public transport
Palace of Justice
The public transport system is made up of the metro (underground trains), buses and trams that criss-cross the city. All of these services are operated by the same company STIB and therefore share the same ticketing system. This makes it easy to make transfers and to purchase tickets. Intercity trains are operated by a separate company SNCB but all the railway stations are connected to metro stations, tram stops and bus stops.
It is important to remember that Brussels is a bilingual city; all signage is written in French and Flemish.There are three main railway train stations in Brussels.All of them have trains that depart to other cities in Belgium and to other cities in Europe. Note that in Brussels everything is bilingual (French and Flemish) so you have to know both versions of the stations before you search for information, look at maps or book tickets online.
Weather and Climate
Brussels’ climate is temperate and mild with winter lows of about 1°C and summer highs of around 23°C. There is rain all-year round so it pays to always have an umbrella or a waterproof jacket when touring around. The rains with the least amount of rain are April and May. On the sunny days, Brussels has a magnificent blue sky which is perfect for taking walks.
Belgium is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. The bicameral federal parliament is composed of a Senate and a Chamber of Representatives. Belgium is one of the few countries that has compulsory voting and thus holds one of the highest rates of voter turnout in the world.
St. Michael and Gudula cathedral
The judicial system is based on civil law and originates from the Napoleonic code. The Court of Cassation is the court of last resort, with the Court of Appeal one level below.

Beer, waffles and chocolate are usually the first trades that come to mind when talking about Belgium or Brussels. There are many other enterprises in Brussels which make up this economy as it handles its role as capital of Belgium and an international hub for foreign dignitaries, diplomats and expatriates.
       Its location at the heart of a highly industrialized region helped make it the world's 15th largest trading nation in 2007. Belgium's main imports are raw materials, machinery and equipment, chemicals, raw diamonds, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, transportation equipment, oil products. Its main exports are machinery and equipment, chemicals, finished diamonds, metals and metal products, foodstuffs.
Belgium Architect
The Belgian economy is heavily service-oriented and shows a dual nature: a dynamic. One of the founding members of the European Union, Belgium strongly supports an open economy and the extension of the powers of EU institutions to integrate member economies. Since 1922, through the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, Belgium and Luxembourg have been
a single trade market with customs and currency union
Steelmaking along the Meuse River at Ougrée, near Liège Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century.

 Rail and Motorway
 Belgium had the highest rail network density within the European Union with 113.8 km/1 000 km2.The density of km motorways per 1000 km2 and 1000 inhabitants amounted to 55.1 and 16.5 respectively and were significantly superior to the EU's means of 13.7 and 15.9
Limousine car
in a Street Theatre 
Like in most small European countries, more than 80% of the airways traffic is handled by a single airport, the Brussels Airport. The ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge share more than 80% of Belgian maritime traffic, Antwerp being the second European harbour
Defence budget
The yearly defence budget is  $6 billion (11th in the EU) or 1.24% of GDP (19th in the EU)
Noble Prize
ThreeNoble Prize in Physiology or Medicine were awarded to Belgians
In the beginning of 2007 nearly 92% of the population had Belgian citizenship, and other European Union member citizens account for around 6%.
 Belgium has three official languages, which are in order of native speaker population in Belgium: Dutch, French and German.
Near Central Station
Since the country's independence, Roman Catholicism, counterbalanced by strong freethought movements, has had an important role in Belgium's politics. However Belgium is largely a secular country as the laicist constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respects this right in practice.
Symbolically and materially, the Roman Catholic Church remains in a favourable position. Belgium's concept of "recognised religionsset a path for Islam to follow to acquire the treatment of Jewish and Protestant religions. While other minority religions, such as Hinduism, do not yet have such status, Buddhism took the first steps toward legal recognition in 2007. According to the 2001 Survey and Study of Religion, about 47% of the population identify themselves as belonging to the Catholic Church, while Islam is the second-largest religion at 3.5%.
According to the Eurobarometer Poll in 2005, 43% of Belgian citizens responded that "they believe there is a God", whereas 29% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" and 27% that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force
  The life expectancy numbered 79.5 years.Health care is of high quality and is financed through both social security contributions and taxation. Health insurance is compulsory. However health care is delivered by a mostly private system of independent medical practitioners and hospitals. Most of the time each provided service is directly paid by the patient and reimbursed later on by health insurance companies. Belgian health care system is supervised and financed by the federal government.
 International rankings
Institute for Economics and Peace Global Peace Index 15 out of 144
United Nations Development Programme Human Development Index 17 out of 182
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 21 out of 180
World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 18 out of 133
visit bruges
Hanze(city Bruges)
Brussels is the capital of Belgium.The heart of the city is the historic market square Grand Place (Grote Markt), considered to be one of the most exceptional city squares in Europe with its splendid houses and the Gothic grandeur of the Town Hall
Congress column
The congress column in Brussels. La Grand-Place in Brussels is a remarkably homogeneous body of public and private buildings, dating mainly from the late 17th century. The architecture provides a vivid illustration of the level of social and cultural life of the period in this important political and commercial centre.It is located on former marshland on the right bank of the River Senne, to the east of the castellum, a defensive outwork of the castle built around 977 by Charles of France, Duke of Lower Lotharingia. The marsh was drained in the 12th century. The present rectangular outline of the Grand'Place has developed over the centuries as a result of successive enlargements and other modifications, and did not take up its definitive form until after 1695.
Statue of Leopold I
at the top of the column
Veiw from room No 1708 of
Sheraton hotel (Rogierplein)
Wandering in street of Rogierplein
Opposite the Town Hall there are another of historical treasures of Brussels: the fantastic neo-Gothic building filled with the many statues known as the Maison du Roi (Broodhuis in Dutch), which now houses the historical City Museum. The Town Hall (The Hôtel de Ville), which covers most of the south side of the Grand' Place, consists of a group of buildings around a rectangular internal courtyard. The part facing on to the square is from the 15th century, consisting of two L-shaped buildings. The entire facade is decorated with statues dating from the 19th century. The southern part of the complex is a restrained classical building that closes the U-shaped plan of the Gothic structures, built in the 18th century. Facing the City Hall across the square is its other main feature, the Maison du Roi (King's House), now used as the City Museum. In 1873 the City Council decided that its state of conservation was so bad that it should be demolished and rebuilt. The reconstruction was based on the original. The result is a three-storey brick building with an arcaded facade, saddleback roof and centrally placed tower with lantern.
  Each of the houses around the Grand'Place, which vary considerably in size, has its own name: Les Ducs de Brabant, Le Roi de l'Espagne, Le Cornet, Le Cygne, the Maison des Brasseurs, Le Cerf, La Maison des Tailleurs. The degree of conservation of original features inside the houses around the Grand'Place is somewhat variable. In some cases almost no changes have been made since the early 18th century, whereas in others there has been radical conversion and modernization. In a number of cases the ground floors have been converted for use as shops, restaurants, or cafes.
Roman catholic church
Koekelberg Basilica

Another Brussels’ curiosity, situated on the hills west of the centre, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Koekelberg is often referred to as the national Basilica of Belgium. Located in the Parc Elisabeth atop the Koekelberg Hill in Brussels' Koekelberg municipality, the church is popularly known as the Koekelberg Basilica. The massive brick and concrete reinforced church features two thin towers and a green copper dome that rises 89 metres (292 ft) above the ground, dominating the northwestern skyline of Brussels.
Apart from sightseeing, Brussels offers many other attractions. Sablon, the centre of art galleries and antiques shops, is one of the most attractive areas in this town.
Brussels owes its vibrant ambiance to Medieval boulevards and squares, cosy cafés, impressive historical sights, original restaurants and an buoyant cultural life, as well as a multicultural atmosphere linking Flemish and French influences with a pinch of cosmopolitan flavour.
Inside veiw of a train coatch
Apart from its capital, Brussels boasts a number of towns rich in cultural heritage and tourist attractions.
Antwerp, on the River Scheldt, is the second largest city in Belgium, the second largest European harbour and a place with so many different faces. What’s more, it is a splendid city with endless architectural monuments, a large Medieval cathedral, and richly-decorated well-to-do houses. Antwerp also serves as the fashion capital where The Antwerp Six designers come from and houses Europe’s most important diamond trading centre.
        Many tourists flock to another splendid Belgian city – Bruges. Both cosmopolitan and cosy, Bruges enchants with its ancient streets, historical houses, romantic canals and bridges, contributing to its somewhat fairy-tale like atmosphere.
     Just Paris have the Eiffel Tower, Brussels have – Atomium. The World Expo of 1958 left behind a gigantic structure that shone in the spring sun in the shape of an atom. It is a replica of an iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times.
      You must visit the Heysel area of Brussels to explore the Atomium which yields a spectacular view of the city as well as art and science exhibitions and a restaurant in its 9 spheres.The monument stands 102 meters tall.
     It symbolised the democratic will to maintain peace among all the nations, faith in progress, both technical and scientific and, finally, an optimistic vision of the future of a modern, new, super-technological world for a better life for mankind.
Tubes are connected to the spheres along the 12 edges of the cube and all eight vertices to the center. They enclose escalators connecting the spheres containing exhibit halls and other public spaces. The top sphere provides a panoramic view of Brussels. Each sphere is 18 metres in diameter.

The Atomium is located on Boulevard du Centenaire, beside the King Baudouin Stadium in Heysel Park. Just next to it lies the Mini-Europe park and the Heysel/Heizel metro station.
An interesting fact is that there are two other Brussels in world, one in Canada and one in the United States.